I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. ~John Lennon

Scootch goes through cycles of favorites. As a toddler, it was Thomas the Tank and Bob the Builder. Thomas is still a favorite, but had to make room for Mater and McQueen once Cars came to our house. We had a small window of loving 101 Dalmations, but the new favorite is How to Train Your Dragon. Before we go any further, I will admit to helping this favoritism along. Growing up, my favorite animated movie was Peter Pan until Lilo & Stitch came out the year before I got married. Once I saw How to Train your Dragon, I'm sad to say my love for Stitch was replaced by Toothless. It probably helps that was directed by the same Chris Sanders who wrote Lilo & Stitch. Yes, I'm admitting I have a love for animated childrens movies. Don't judge. ;-)
But back to Scootch's love for the movie. I may have gotten a bit carried away and bought every movie and short film related to the original. We have How to Train Your Dragon, The Legend of the BoneKnapper Dragon, Book of Dragons, and The Gift of the Night Fury. In Scootch terms they are "The Long One," "The Skeleton Dragon," "All the Dragons," and "The One With All The Babies."

Either way, we love the "Dragon Movies." :-)
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